Bernadette Kelly, AIPF.

Statement of Intent 

Ansel Adams most famous phrase “you don’t take a photograph you make it” is certainly true of Cyanotype images. My panel was constructed using this 180-year-old manual process of placing organic matter on sensitized paper and developing with the suns UV light rays.

I experimented with various natural materials to add colour and texture to the traditional blue and white of the original process. It was a steep learning curve and the results were always different but the sense of achievement on producing a “keeper” was immeasurable.

The combination of layout colour and texture has resulted in unique images that cannot be reproduced “in camera.” This panel owes its existence to Covid 19 the restrictions imposed by lockdown forced me to explore creative options I might not otherwise have considered.

The Irish Photographic Federation awards distinctions on three levels – Licentiate, Associate and Fellowship, in ascending order.

The Associateship is the second of these levels and requires a panel of fifteen images to be presented for assessment. The panel should sit together as a cohesive body of work and demonstrate the applicant’s individuality and sustained ability in photography. Successful applicants are entitled to use the letters AIPF after their name.