Winners of the Flora & Fauna Competition (2023)

Here are the results of our eighth and final KPS PotY competition of 2023, ‘Flora & Fauna’. Thanks to all members who entered images and congratulations to our winners. Many thanks to Michael Linehan FIPF from Celbridge Camera Club who judged the competition. Michael is an outstanding wildlife photographer and has won IPF Nature photographer in the past and multiple awards and gold medals. Here are the competition winners:

1st   ‘Irish Hare’ by Suzanne Behan
2nd  ‘Garden Spider’ by Carla Ennis
3rd   ‘Sitting At The Base Of A Tree Wasting Time’ by Matt Whitby

1st  ‘Tom The Woodpecker’ by David Kelly
2nd ‘Dandelion’ by Eamonn McArdle
3rd  ‘Now To What’ by Liam Kirwan

1st  ‘Hover Fly’ by Rebecca Dolan
2nd ‘Mushroom’ by Tony Michael Barry
3rd  ‘Bird Alone’ by Pat Murphy

Refers to wildlife and plants, and in particular to the natural environment of the species. Images must be submitted in print format. Nature Rules apply, as follows:

Flora: Any natural plant life not including human created hybrid plants or cultivated plants.

Fauna: Any living being in the natural world excluding domestic animals (pets). Human elements shall not be present except where those form an integral part of the nature subject – i.e barn owl in a barn.

No techniques that add, relocate replace remove elements except by cropping are permitted. All allowed adjustments must appear natural.