We run eight competitions each year, to test our skills in the hopes of impressing our guest judges, who critique entries and offer advice to the authors. These competitions can be a good way to improve our craft and get critical feedback on our techniques and themes. These themes challenge different aspects of your photography.
KPS ‘Photographer of the Year’
and Monthly Club Competitions
The competition has three levels: Novice, Intermediate and Advanced. The judges scores are tallied, revealing which member the club is awarded our prestigious ‘Photographer of the Year’ (PotY) title. The themes for this year’s competitions are listed below.
KPS PotY 2021 (Advanced)
1st Ned Mahon
2nd Derville Conroy
2nd John Cuddihy
3rd Denis O’Reilly
KPS PotY 2021 (Intermediate)
1st Carla Ennis
2nd Eamon McArdle
3rd Ann Dowling
KPS PotY 2021 (Novice)
1st Laura Carmen
2nd Canice Ryan
Ned Mahon is the KPS ‘Photographer of the Year’ 2021
Please resize your images: Landscape: 3200 pixels on the longest side, at 300 dpi. Portrait: 2400 pixels on the tallest side, at 300 dpi. Square images sized 2400 x 2400 pixels. KPS PotY competitions are open to members only. Submit a maximum of two images for each competition. You must not have submitted them for previous KPS PotY competitions. Email your entries to competitionsecretary@kilkennyphoto.net.
See KPS PotY competitions from previous years: 2021.