KPS ‘Photographer of the Year’

and Monthly Club Competitions

We run eight competitions each year, to test our skills in the hopes of impressing our guest judges, who critique entries and offer advice to the authors. These competitions can be a good way to improve our craft and get critical feedback on our techniques and themes. These themes challenge different aspects of your photography.

The competition has three levels: Novice, Intermediate and Advanced. The judges scores are tallied, revealing which member the club is awarded our prestigious ‘Photographer of the Year’ (PotY) title. The themes for this year’s competitions are listed below.

KPS PotY 2020 (Advanced)
1st    Ned Mahon
2nd  John Cuddihy
3rd   Hugo Reidy
3rd   Derville Conroy

KPS PotY 2020 (Intermediate)
1st   Petr Petr
2nd  Carla Ennis
3rd   Fiona Long

KPS PotY 2020 (Novice)
1st   Penny Newbery
2nd  Eamon McArdle
3rd   Fergus Alonso

Ned Mahon is the KPS ‘Photographer of the Year’ 2020


Closes | 31st January 2021

Black & White / Mono (Open)

Black and white photography are images that only use only black white and variations of grey. A monochrome photo can be created with variations of blue red or any other colour in the spectrum.


Closes | 28th February 2021

Still Life

Still Life is the depiction of inanimate subject matter. Old style masters or a more contempory approach. Includes tabletop and food.


Closes | 28th March 2021

People / Portrait / Candid / Environmental

Capture the personality of a person or group of people. Includes traditional portraits, fine art, environmental, candid and street.


Closes | 2nd May 2021

Macro / Close Up

Macro is extreme close-up photography, usually of very small subjects, in which the size of the subject in the photograph is greater than life size. Close up is a type of shot that tightly frames an object and shows all the details.


Closes | 5th September 2021

Book Cover / Movie Poster

You can pick an existing book or movie or make up one of your own. Think landscape orientation. Make sure there is space for the title in the image and help will be available with the typography.


Closes | 26th September 2021

Colour (Open)

Anything you like, as long as it is in colour!


Closes | 31st October 2021

Scape – Urban / Rural / Sea

Landscape photography shows spaces within the world – some big, some small. Includes traditional land and seascapes, abstracts, urban and rural.


Closes | 28th November 2021


Three photographs are usually arranged with a plain border between them. The work may consist of separate images that are variants on a theme or may be one larger image split into three.
Please resize your images: Landscape: 3200 pixels on the longest side, at 300 dpi. Portrait: 2400 pixels on the tallest side, at 300 dpi. Square images sized 2400 x 2400 pixels. KPS PotY competitions are open to members only. Submit a maximum of two images for each competition. You must not have submitted them for previous KPS PotY competitions. Email your entries to